Kristina Kuerjikian
Revealing of new city in LA country by new Mayor and congresswoman, Little Armenia
Around our school of EF Academy Pasadena, you can find a significant number of people living in Pasadena, Glendale, and Altadena who are of Armenian descent. many Armenians have settled in this specific part and opened shops, cafes, and restaurants. In this article, I hope to open your eyes to the culture, traditions, and amazing cuisine that have spread in this beautiful area.
The immigration of Armenians goes back to the time of the Ottoman Empire. In WW1 in 1915, The Ottomans’ campaign struggled in the Caucasus mountains against the Russian empire. They blamed the ethnic Armenians in the region for the failed campaign because of their Christian Orthodox belief, which was similar to the Russian Orthodox values. The Ottomans took out their frustration on the general population. The result was a genocide of the Armenian population which resulted in 600 thousand to 1.2 million deaths in only two years. In the later stages of the war, the League of Nations was formed and that’s when a lot of Armenian families were helped by the USA and the UK and immigrated to America. The landscape of eastern Los Angeles is very similar to their native land so they decided to make their home there, and by the mid-1920s already 120 Armenian families called LA their home.

By the late 20th century the Lebanese Civil War and the start of the Syrian War, ethnic Armenians started to feel less and less safe in the country, so a whole new wave of immigration transpired, and Pasadena, A city was even renamed Little Armenia.
Armenians are a minority in the Middle East Their Christian faith and their culture is very unique. They are known for their stone churches, wooden engravings unique rugs, and sophisticated pottery. The food is very similar to other countries of Mediterranean cuisine, featuring lavash shawarma and baklava, as well as having their own unique food such as dolma, which is ground meat wrapped in leaves and cooked.
If you are an EF student, you certainly have an appreciation for culture and global cuisine. I urge you to go explore the North East LA areas and you will find amazing cultural spots, memorials, museums, and of course restaurants. A few highlights include Pasadena Armenian Center an Armenian restaurant, the Armenian Evangelical Brethren Church, Armenian-Americans in Glendale, and of course the Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monument. All of these places and more are built, owned, and run by ethnic Armenians and there are much more in the Pasadena area. I really recommend that you check out the amazing Armenian culture here in Pasadena. It will be worth your while.